10 Tips For Turning Dreams Into Reality

Dreams – the big and small stuff you want to accomplish in your life – are often not perceived as urgent, yet they are very important.

Do you dream?

So many of us don’t treat our own dreams with respect – like we honor and support the dreams of others.

Why is that?

Here are 10 simple tips for turning YOUR dreams into reality:

  1. Make time each day to write down your dreams.
  2. Break down those dreams in to steps, place dates on these steps and turn (or integrate) those steps in to individual business plans.
  3. Read your dreams/goals at least once a day with passion and belief in their realization
  4. Connect and share your dreams with someone – a buddy – who has your best interest at heart. Ask them to hold you accountable – in a loving way – for succeeding.
  5. Read at least 10 pages of your favorite personal development book every day.
  6. Exercise at least three times each week. Exercising allows fresh oxygen to your body feeds your inner desire to be better
  7. Become informed about dieting and develop healthy eating habits
  8. Keep in mind that you are worthy to accomplish your dreams. Many people will not pursue their dreams because they don’t feel that they are worth the effort.
  9. Don’t be afraid to fail for it is through trial and error that you will find your greatness.
  10. Finally, live YOUR dreams – not those of others. Your dreams deserve to be realized as much as anyone.

Forgiveness Equals Letting Go of Grudges and Bitterness

Letting Go of Stuff is easy to say, but can be challenging to do sometimes. Nonetheless, letting go is very possible and extremely necessary. One of the major components to letting go of stuff is being able to forgive. Who do you forgive? It starts with yourself and ends with the forgiveness of others.

Where do you begin?

Start by first accepting and acknowledging that you need to forgive. Yes! That is the first step. Simple enough – right? It’s like taking a long walk on the beach – alone.

Okay! Take a moment and say to yourself, “Self, I forgive you for that “thing” you did in the past. I forgive you for not reaching that goal. I forgive you for making a bad choice while in that past relationship. I forgive you for thinking you were perfect, and then acting like you weren’t. I forgive you for…”

Step Two. Once you are done with the above, which for some may take a while to get up the courage to complete. The next step is to make a list of those to whom you want to ask for forgiveness. Go ahead! Make your list now. You can do it in your head now, but then make sure to write down those names in your personal journal or somewhere special.

Its okay to forgive.

Step three. Give yourself permission to forgive those on your list. Not only do you want to grant permission to yourself, you also want to prepare yourself for the response of those with whom you actually have a physical conversation. Good. bad, or indifferent – be prepared to accept their response without judgement and with an open heart.

Step four. Decide to whom you need to speak in person and to whom you simply need/want to silently forgive in your heart. Begin with the latter group. This will pave the way for successful conversations with those you want to tell in person.

Finally,do the forgiveness deed. In other words, begin the process of forgiving everyone on your list, one by one, with sincerity and a heartfelt genuineness.

You might find that as you go through this process of forgiveness, you will also begin to experience a greater love and appreciate for yourself. The world will look better through your eyes. Your relationships will get a little deeper and your commitments will also broaden. It will also be easier for you to move forward with more passion and love because you will have made a space for those new experiences in your life.

Forgiveness is a cleansing process like no other and of all the people in the world – you deserve to experience it the most. Don’t you?

So, what are you waiting for? Get along and started today! Check back here once you are done. I want to hear all about your experience.