It’s Time Let Go of Child Abuse…

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. posted about how parents and anyone who is thinking about becoming a parent should rethink how they discipline their children.Letting Go Cafe-Child Abuse

There are parents (foster and birth) who unintentionally abuse their children thinking their abusive actions are an alternative to discipline. As a parent, I can’t tell you how horrifying it is to think that there are parents out there who literally do everything from breaking bones to diminishing spirits – all in the name of discipline. Its amazing!

You must read the article on this topic at It will really uplift your eyebrows and heighten your awareness about child rearing through abuse.

Something else to let go are the myths, and there are many, about child abuse. Below are only five of the many myths about child abuse.

Myth: It is only abuse if it is violent.April Is Child Abuse Prevention Mondy
FACT: Child abuse does not necessarily involve violence or anger. Abuse often involves adults exploiting their power over children, and using children as objects rather than respecting their rights as young people.

Myth: Parents who abuse their children do not love their children. These parents want to hurt or get rid of their children.
FACT: Most parents who abuse their children really do love the children and feel very guilty after abusing the children. The problem is that these parents do not know how to raise and discipline children in a non-abusive manner.

Myth: Children usually tell someone that they are being abused.
FACT: Most children do not tell. Abusers can be very effective in making children too fearful to talk about what is going on.

Myth: Children are usually sexually abused by strangers.
FACT: 85 – 90% of children who are sexually abused are sexually abused by someone they know.

Myth: The most common form of abuse suffered by children at home is sexual abuse.
FACT: Children are seven times more likely to be beaten badly by their parents than sexually abused by them.

Letting Go Cafe-Child Abuse SolutionsWhat are some ways to “let go” of child abuse. See these suggestions from

  • Be a nurturing parent. Children need to know that they are loved, special, and capable of fulfilling their dreams.
  • Help Yourself. What the day to day burdens and vicissitudes of life become overbearing, take time out and get away. Do not take it out on your child(ren).
  • Take advantage of parenting resources at your local library.
  • Monitor your child’s television and video watching. Violent TV and video programs can harm a child.
  • Become educated about what is, and what is not child abuse.