Forgive, Let Go, and Pay Yourself First

Letting Go Cafe-Forgive, Let Go, and Pay Yourself

payyouselffirst1Some time ago I read a book that offered steps for becoming financially independent. The book is titled, “The Richest Man In Bablylon” by George S. Clason.

One of the steps in Clason’s book is to “pay your self first,” above and beyond any entity or person. That simple step was easy to write, easy to say, and easy to ponder, but the true application of that simple step can be challenging for many people; in part because it is not totally understood.

Today, I have been able to apply that concept in other ways, aside from financial independence, or the pursuit thereof. The notion of paying yourself first can also be applied to loving and forgiving. Sometimes to love and forgive ones self is a payment of a different kind, and the value is priceless.

I have learned, as I strive to perfect the art of letting go of stuff, that to let go of a habit, internal program, or to change your attitude toward someoneforgive 2 or something is challenging. The place to begin is with the person in the mirror. Please note that the art of letting go of stuff is a never-ending process of learning that will last a lifetime, and forgiving ones self is a huge part of that process.

Paying yourself first, when it comes to forgiveness means – starting with you. Forgiving your self is the only way that you will be able to forgive any one else. Seriously. It is true.

Letting go of stuff includes forgiveness. Walt Kelly, in a 1970 Pogo comic strip wrote, “we have met the enemy, and he is us.” I interpret that to mean that we must first point fingers at us, before pointing them at anyone else.

Constantly ask, what was my role in this situation?
-What was my role in the failure of this relationship?
-What was my role in the altercation with that person?
-What was my role as I argued with that person?

Begin with you. Forgive yourself first. Love yourself the most. By doing these things, you will in effect, pay yourself first.

How do you forgive yourself?Forgive1It is just as simple as financially paying yourself first. You must love yourself enough to do so. You must make a sacrifice. You must change your thought patterns. I will give you some steps for forgiving your self. But first let me talk a little more about this whole forgiveness thing, ‘cause it is important.

Forgiving yourself is crucial to forgiving others. According to Harvey Mackay, if you want to get even with someone, then forgive them. That will really get them back. Forgiveness allows you to move from a place of pain and suffering to a place of peace and harmony. For many, holding on to pain, anger, frustration, resentment, and the like is slowly eating away at your mental and spiritual being, and eventually will destroy your physical being. let go 1
So forgive, and begin with you.

Steps that will put you on the path for self-forgiveness are:

  1. Make a list of those you need to forgive (be honest and include your self)
  2. Give yourself permission to forgive by making a claim that it is okay for you to forgive those on your list.
  3. Forgive your self by literally looking in the mirror, at you, and saying, “I forgive you for…”
  4. Contact each person on your list and genuinely forgive them by saying to them, “I forgive you for…” (be specific).
  5. Now, when you forgive those on your list, you must accept their response, no matter what it may be. They may not accept your forgiveness. If they do not accept, you must still accept that and let it go. You can’t force them to accept your forgiveness. Remember you are doing this for you, not for them.

This process of forgiving may not always be easy, but it is definitely worth it. You may find that you forgivenesswill be spiritually fed if you allow yourself to experience the above or some other process of self-forgiving. Forgiving allows you to become better at the art of letting go of stuff, which then allows you to move forward in your life. So pay yourself first and forgive the one who matters the most – YOU.

Until next time..


  1. Helen Cole says:

    Barbara, am so glad we share the same ideas, i have bought the richest man in babylon more than 4 times, but honestly, i still dont figure out how to pay myself first or use percentages to pay off my debt as described in the book, can you give us something about how to make this principles work, i think i am more dedicated enough to see it through.

    1. Helen Cole says:

      Moreover, i think i am very good with forgiveness easily!

  2. Barbara Rousseau says:

    Forgiveness is truly essential for moving forward with any project or goal! So glad to see this post! Namaste

    1. Hi Barbara. How are you?
      Thanks so much for your comment and for visiting the Letting Go Cafe

      You are right that forgiveness is essential. I hope all is well you.

      But for many people forgiveness of self doesn’t happen for two reasons.
      ONE – they don’t know how to forgive themselves.
      TWO – they don’t feel worthy enough to forgive themselves. That lack of self worth can show up in so many ways, including not having or taking the time to forgive self.

      What do you think Barbara?

      Barbara, you should subscribe to the Letting Go Cafe so we can experience our comments more often.

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